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Sunday 22 July 2012

Your Name in Different Languages

  Our name says all about us, isn't it? Yeah, we always like others to recognize us with our names.  Are you looking to write or tried to know how how your name look like in other languages or you interested to write your names in different language styles?  These some of online tools that helps us to do so.

Google Translate- This has a collection of various languages around the world like Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese and even more.  If you like to know the script of your name in international languages this might be a best option for you.

Google Transliterate- India is a diversified nation with various languages: Google helps us by this site to write our names in almost every major languages the country has like Tamil, Hindi, Bengali and lot.

Braille Creator- Braille is a scripting system that helps blind people to write and read by touching it.  In this site when you enter a word to translate it process it and coverts it into dots, blind people could read the words by a touch of it.

Hobbit Runes- Runes are Germanic alphabets just like Romanians used way back in 1st and 2nd century AD.  This tool helps us to write our names in those time lost runic language.

Hieroglyphs-  Ancient Egyptians writing system, this is one of oldest script of our world.  In their language letters are replaced with symbols.  Those writings are still found in Pyramids, Caves and Museums.

Tengwar Language- Are you a Lord Of Rings fan?  then this one is for you, those scripts used in that movie are called Tengwar script created in 19th century by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Language is a form expression and communication among people. Try out your names in those several modern day and pre-historic languages, which gives you the feel of what are and who are all we came across of and how our mankind changed a lot.

Try out and share your comments about your favorite language scripts you use.

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